James Frey Slowly Crawls Out of His Hole of Shame

It's a special time for Fake Writer James Frey. After admitting to fabricating several parts of his rehab memoir and getting flogged by national ringleader Oprah Winfrey, the faux-memoirist has been laying understandably low: hiding out in Europe, sulking around the East End, and cycling around lower Manhattan with a perma-scowl on his face. But perhaps things are looking up for our anti-hero: New York reported this week that Frey has a piece of (intentional) fiction published in the catalogue for photographer Malerie Marder's fall show at Greenberg Van Doren gallery, and today WWD reveals that BlackBook has commissioned Frey for a considerably more risky article in its November issue, a piece about photographer Alex Soth, who shot Maggie Gyllenhaal for the cover.
Bonus Fake Writer Fun: On Monday, our sports-obsessed sibling site Deadspin will be featuring a piece by Frey (who, oddly, has become quite the sports blogger himself) on his hopes and dreams for the Cleveland Browns. His favorite player is a quarterback named Porterhouse.