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  • "Ohmygodohmygod it's the day of the TechCrunch party! Do up your hair, Betty, and we might get to see Digg hottie Kevin Rose or Ross Levinsohn, that mighty powerful Fox Interactive chief!" Yes, the highlight of the social year is upon us. Comment below if you plan to join our clique, which will stand in the corner mocking the fashion decisions of those richer than us. [TechCrunch]
  • Meanwhile, back in The City, the bloggers at SFist celebrate the site's second birthday tonight at Varnish Fine Art. [SFist]


  • The Craigslist Foundation teaches how to start a nonprofit. Judging by the site photos, this involves meditation and hipster glasses. [Craigslist Foundation]
  • Free Josh Wolf! Attend the benefit for this jailed journalist who refused to turn protest footage over to the feds. [Upcoming]
