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· Defamer Celebrity Style Secret: Wear your jowls on the back of your neck and your original hairline at the base of your skull to look years younger! [Hat tip to Gilded Moose for alerting us to Michael Douglas' alarming facial tightness.]
"'Hitler was a bad man, but what's wrong with having food here?' said Ashwini Phadnis, 22, a microbiology student as she tucked away a piece of chocolate cake." Real wire story on India's Hitler's Cross restaurant or Onion article? You make the call.
The Gut's figure sketching class is really starting to pay some dividends.
Now that she mentions it, yeah, Kevin Federline does resemble a weasel.
· We highly recommend Defamer blogfather Choire Sicha's piece on the short shrift honkies receive in Snakes on a Plane. Being white on Samuel L. Jackson's plane is more deadly than being a virgin in a slasher flick.
· Every model could really learn something from Jeremy Piven's unconventional hand placement choices.

[Photo: Getty Images]