The Morning After Pill: Not For Traditional Hangovers

Well, it's the morning after, and boy do we feel pregnant. Luckily for us, our bellies are just engorged with drugs and alcohol, but that certainly doesn't mute our delight in reporting that the FDA, after three years of hand-wringing, finally approved over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill. Now all you cupcakes career women shouldn't start freely stuffing your middles with creamy white filling just yet, as your drugstore won't have it until the end of the year. But rest assured it appears there will be less hipsters, bloggers, and Michael No-hers for us to kick around in the future.
Still being debated is the accompanying age restriction which still mandates a perscription for anyone under age 18:
The drug agency decided that younger women would benefit by seeing a doctor before having access to Plan B. It also determined that Barr had failed to prove that young women would understand how to use the drug as well as older women.
Which we find, excuse us, a tough pill to swallow, considering the level of difficulty involved in taking a capsulized form of medication doesn't require a GED. But we have the maturity level of a prepubescent, so what do we know?
Of course it goes without saying, that the best means of securing your morning after, is to be safe the night before. But having an over-the-counter Plan B never hurts.
FDA Approves Broader Access For Next-Day Pill [NY Times]