Gawker Giveaways: Collaged
Keenen Thompson · 02/25/11 04:00PMBrian Williams' Media Story Of 2010: The New York Times Discovering Brooklyn
Morgan Barry · 12/30/10 01:00PMThe NY Times' "Fourteen Actors Acting" Really Pretentious
Matt Toder · 12/08/10 05:30PMMichael Jackson Is Still a Gigantic Celebrity the World Over—Except in New York
Brian Moylan · 10/28/09 11:11AMThe Jane Hotel Story the NY Times Doesn't Want You to See
Brian Moylan · 09/24/09 02:22PMBody World Ups Its Shock Game With Corpse Sex Show
Brian Moylan · 09/15/09 03:25PMWhy Sarah Palin Needs Levi Johnston
Brian Moylan · 09/03/09 10:38AMEddie, Woody, & Michael: Do We Even Care About Geniuses Anymore?
T.A.N. · 06/26/09 03:40PMWhy the New York Times is announcing Web 3.0
Nick Douglas · 11/12/06 01:41PMBehind the deal: Microsoft's payment to Universal Music is not protection money
Nick Douglas · 11/09/06 01:37PM
Microsoft agreed to pay Universal Music over a dollar for each Zune it sells — and that's all the bloggers and commentators will report. But the New York Times, which broke this news, explains the payment is part of a deal in which Universal will license its music to Microsoft's new music download service.
Loose Wires: Marissa Mayer is human! Honest! Volume 57
Nick Douglas · 11/08/06 07:07PMA middle-aged man doesn't like MySpace, and other breaking news from the Times
Nick Douglas · 11/07/06 11:24AMThe New York Times wanted to illustrate how hard it would be for MySpace to catch on in other countries, now that the company's going international. So they pulled out an obviously typical MySpace user: a 40-year-old man. He "became frustrated by unwanted messages and he did not care for the flashy pages."
David Pogue puts on an antic disposition
Nick Douglas · 11/01/06 11:43AMTech industry tired, no deals today
Nick Douglas · 11/01/06 11:07AM
After Tuesday's frenzy of industry news (Wired buys Reddit, Google buys JotSpot, Fortune picks a new editor, a video site goes public, Monday's looking quiet for the industry (apart from that bomb at eBay HQ). The New York Times tech page, for example, is all gadget stories with punny titles. Hell, the top story is gizmo columnist David Pogue's "look back" at a year that's only 5/6 over. Has anyone bought something bigger than a frickin' iPod today?
News notes: Here be one less monster
Nick Douglas · 10/30/06 02:23PMTimes captures Stern, Stewart moments before prison camp internment
Nick Douglas · 10/30/06 10:04AMAnyone can report that YouTube deleted loads of clips from Comedy Central, including South Park and the Daily Show.
NY Times 'Google bomb' Was 3 Days Behind WebProNews
rabruzzo · 10/26/06 04:08PMAs reported early this morning on Valleywag, the NY Times did a half-ass job covering Google bombing of GOP candidates by liberal blog, MyDD (Direct Democracy). WebProNews writer Jason Miller emailed Valleywag to tell us he had covered this story almost 4 days ago. NY Times reporter Tom Zeller, Jr. did not cite WebProNews in his article with the standard "As first reported in...". Perhaps bloogers should Google bomb NY Times with the phrase 'Thieving Hack*'?
Liberals Drop The Google Bomb
rabruzzo · 10/26/06 11:00AMNY Times files a scattershot report on liberal blogs 'Google bombing' GOP candidates for the upcoming elections. Reporter Tom Zeller Jr. does piss poor job explaining to readers what Google bombing is and why liberal blog myDD.com (my Direct Democracy) is guilty of gaming the search engine's algorythm.
Good News, The Bubble is Over
rabruzzo · 10/25/06 11:00AMThe NY Times took a break from glad handling Google to report after 10 years in business, the massive server farm Internap Network Services finally posted two whole quarters of profit. Congrats on not getting delisted from NASDAQ!