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Get ready, we're about to say something sincere: This Craigslist poster seems like a catch. The startup founder from Atherton has taken a long, hard look at his 39-year life and decided he wants to recapture the romantic spirit of his youth.

I was so much happier in college. I was the lanky, gangly geek. I usually got the girl who was a bit off kilter but plenty of fun. Someone who knew that noble gas wasn't Princess Di farting. Then there was the whole fortune making years. I never dreamed I would have an idea that would attract so much attention, but it kind of came to me while I was wake boarding.

The idea became a company that brought our M4W money, but not happiness. So he sold it and became a photoblogger — and with that as well, got lucky with cards...

So if any single "punsters, poets, anarchist, and non-republicans" of the female persuasion are reading, give this guy a buzz. Everyone else, place your bets on who's the man behind the ad.

Wealthy, but not in the way I want - 39 (atherton)