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Unbelievable catch by Brian Stelter at TVNewser, courtesy of an eagle-eyed tipster: CBS visibly altered Katie Couric's photo in its Watch Magazine, slenderizing her waist, arms and neck. Yowsers! TVNewser id's the first photo as Katie's official CBS photo, taken at the upfronts in May. Let's hear it for transparency and accuracy in the news! Paging Adnan Hajj...

We're going to leave aside the number of nerd-hours that must have been logged to make this shocking discovery. (Because seriously, Match Magazine? Photos taken at the upfronts in May? Okay, Richard "Ringo" Langly, good work.)

Our real issue is THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF EVEN INVENTING PHOTOSHOP? Bitch just wanted to look her best, and you nerds had to go and ruin it with your regressive data analysis, and your spectrometers, and your thick glasses.

CBS Whittles Katie Couric's Waist In Doctored Photo [HuffPo]