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With Mountain View blanketed in wifi from Google and San Jose more wired than Too Much Coffee Man, how did Silicon Valley's towns get sidelined from Forbes's "America's Most Wired Cities" list? Only San Francisco made it in (fourth place, baby). Well, Forbes explains their methodology (emphasis ours):

To calculate the most wired cities, we started with the top markets in broadband adoption as determined by Internet market research firm Nielsen//NetRatings. We dropped cities that didn't crack the U.S. Census Bureau's top 100 list, such as Hartford, Conn. Using the namesake city in each Nielsen market area—which eliminated some large cities, such as San Jose, Calif.—we then calculated service provider variety using the latest available statistics from the Federal Communications Commission. We determined Wi-Fi hot spots per capita from statistics by public hot spot directory JiWire and population estimates.

So Forbes is really listing "Some of America's Big Wired Cities Preferred by Nielsen and catalogued by JiWire." I guess that title didn't seem catchy enough for linkbait.

America's Most Wired Cities [Forbes]