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Valleywag has an invitation to spare and one to beg. The spare isn't quite an invite to the Future of Web Apps summit, but to a related dinner on the 14th at TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington's Atherton home. Say what you will about the man, he's hospitable (just ask his two live-ins). And you could sup with tech notables like WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg, Dogster founder Ted Rheingold, Odeo founder Evan Williams, and Yahoo researcher (and blogger) Tom Coates. The invitation is probably not transferable, but we'll see if we can beg the organizers to let you in.

Of course, you'll have to deserve it. For instance, you could trade it for an invite to Apple's special event on September 12, where the company may announce video downloads or new iPods or flying cars. Invites for that are even less transferable, but it's worth a shot.

So if you've got something to offer for the dinner invite, especially if it's a ticket to see Steve Jobs live and unplugged, dash a note to