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In response to Radar's story this morning that he interned for the CIA while in college, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has taken to his blog, where he explains that the gig was no big deal:

For a couple months over the course of two summers, I worked at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. There are reporters who've been in the military, others who've interned on Capitol Hill while they were in college.

I know the CIA may sound more exotic and mysterious, but it was actually pretty bureaucratic and mundane, at least the little bit that I saw of it. By the end of the second summer, I realized it was not a place I wanted to work after college.

Particularly because this was during the late 1980s, and the executive order banning anti-gay discrimination against federal civilian employees wasn't signed until 1998.

My Summer Job...Nearly 20 Years Ago [360 Blog]
Earlier: Anderson Cooper, International Man of Mystery