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At Ground Zero yesterday, President Bush reached deep within himself to remind us, "It's hard not to think about the people who lost their lives on September the 11th, 2001." Of course it's hard — the media's sweepingly soundtracked, widow-pandering coverage is holding your eyelids open with toothpicks. We were considering A Very Special Already Over: 9/11*, but the coverage speaks for itself, from the Times special section and Deborah Sontag's aching rewrite of what New York mag did months ago, to Ann Curry looking like she's trying to make herself cry on air, to the "understated" front page of the Daily News. It's so bad out there, the Post strikes us restrained. THE POST, people.

CIA agents outside of Gawker HQ be damned, today is the perfect day for a terrorist attack — all the heightened security is really just heightened remembering. So if we're forced to remember, let's remember with the best:

"Five years after clouds of debris billowed up from the toppled towers of the World Trade Center, a silver lining may be forming in Northeastern Pennsylvania." - Times Leader

"Students spent the summer at ABC tracking the history of ammonium nitrate as a weapon of terror." - Brian Ross, Good Morning America

"Draped in the symbolism of Independence Day, the two men descended into the baking-hot pit at ground zero." - New York Times

"It was your voice, Rudy Giuliani, that consoled America." - Ann Curry, 9/11: This Is Your Life!

"Al Qaeda releases 9/11 anniversary message" - A Very Happy Anniversary, CNN

"Questions remain: Will we ever get our lattes back? Will another plane ever be hijacked?" - Tom Brokaw, Today show

"And many will simply attend to the mundane details of their lives, pausing briefly to give thanks..." - NYDN

*During the moments of silence at 8:46 and 9:03 AM, Gawker will not be posting.