
Five Years Later: Media Peels Onions Over a Hole in the Ground

Jessica · 09/11/06 08:33AM

At Ground Zero yesterday, President Bush reached deep within himself to remind us, "It's hard not to think about the people who lost their lives on September the 11th, 2001." Of course it's hard — the media's sweepingly soundtracked, widow-pandering coverage is holding your eyelids open with toothpicks. We were considering A Very Special Already Over: 9/11*, but the coverage speaks for itself, from the Times special section and Deborah Sontag's aching rewrite of what New York mag did months ago, to Ann Curry looking like she's trying to make herself cry on air, to the "understated" front page of the Daily News. It's so bad out there, the Post strikes us restrained. THE POST, people.