Fashion Week Not the Best Time to Beg for Forgiveness

While Fashion Week is a time of creative achievement and sartorial glory, it's also a time to hold grudges and grovel for mercy. After writing an unfavorable review of Carolina Herrera's previous collection this past February, Times fashion critic Cathy Horyn was not invited to this year's show (and that's exactly what you get for insulting a designer's ruching). A bold move for Herrera — but shutting out Horyn is a fresh new approach to this season's classic minimalism.
Meanwhile, after her slightly tweaked-out comments at last year's New Yorker festival, where she said that Anna Wintour only supported gay male designers and called her a lady-hater, Imitation of Christ designer and hipster generale Tara Subkoff is begging for forgiveness. In the program for her Spring 2007 show, Subkoff gets down on her knees and apologetically crawls up Wintour's skirt, writing:
...[she has] inspired me so much in terms of thinking about politics and fashion, in short, with how much fashion has to do with the politics of our time, what's happening in the world and all of the wars.
Silly, stupid Subkoff. You think that's good enough? That little bit isn't going to get your shredded rag-clothes into Vogue or even let you within a mile of Wintour's facialist. You can bend over and offer your ass to her all you want, but you are SO DEAD to her. She doesn't even know you wrote that cloying note because she FORGOT YOU EXIST.