Hey, Have You Heard of These MisShapes Kids?

It's Fashion Week, so Thursgay Styles has plenty of ground to cover: the "cascading" spring styles, seating at the shows, the sweater-jacket as a fall staple...and the MisShapes. Really? The MisShapes? How fascinating! Who are these downtown darlings you speak of?
Oh, we're kidding. OF COURSE WE KNOW WHO THE FUCK THEY ARE. Was their presence in the Sunday Styles investigation into rose-fucking-ay not enough? Was Cathy Horyn not satisfied to simply take Princess Coldstare, put her in balloon sleeves and compare her to Edie Sedgwick? We're flabbergasted. MisShapes? In Styles? Really? Again?* What could they possibly tell us that we don't already know?!
"Gawker has been saying there's a backlash for more than two years," Mr. [Geordon "Leotard Fantastic"] Nicol said.
No, no, Leo-Fan. We have been wishing for a backlash for more than two years. Just wishing. Your fabulosity is our dream deferred. But hey, someone's gotta play the music for Tory Burch.
Cool, at Least for a Few Minutes [NYT]
*This "article" marks the 10th MisShapes appearance in just under one year. Happy anniversary, you haute whores!