As first reported on Friday afternoon, Getty Images sent an email out to celebrity weekly editors hawking photos of Anna Nicole Smith, her newborn daughter, and her son, Daniel. The pictures were taken in the Bahamian hospital where, the next day, Daniel was found mysteriously dead. For an initial asking price of $200K, Getty would provide a handful of the tender! heartbreaking! tragic! images, the only caveat being that the buyer had to refrain from running the photos with any sort of negative press — which may be easier said than done if and when toxicology reports are released.

By the day's end, In Touch had supposedly bought the photos for well over $300K ($375K was the number we'd heard tossed around). But the real question: who made the profit? Did Getty happen to have a photographer covering the Bahamian hospital beat? Or did someone from Anna Nicole's camp hand over the family Powershot for a last-minute profit to be brokered by Getty? And if so, is Anna Nicole really sick, or really smart?

Before the photos went up for sale, image previews were sent to editors. We've got the exclusive pics after the jump — if only to show you what six figures of Jersey mag money gets you. Sadly for us and you, parties with an interest in the deal finally noticed our little display. Thumbnails struck, so you'll have to wait for their sensitive, large-scale treatment in the tabloids.

Earlier: Fire Sale: Anna Nicole Smith's Last Moments With Her Son