Kelly Cutrone, Questionable Master of the Dark Art of Fashion PR

Now that Bryant Park has returned to its natural state of refuge for cubicle bees on their breaks, we can look back on Fashion Week with a fond eye and remember the people who make it all possible, like People's Revolution flack Kelly Cutrone, who represents a number of popular, edgy designers and oversees a considerable handful of shows.
She's also insane, possibly in the paste-eating way.
According to Sydney Morning Herald fashion reporter and blogger Patty Huntington, Cutrone blacklisted Huntington from all People's Revolution shows because of a Herald item reporting tensions between designer Jeremy Scott and his new collaborators, Sydney label Ksubi (both of which are repped by People's Revolution). Cutrone, furious at the "inaccurate" item (which, in actuality, stemmed from comments made to Huntington by Cutrone herself), decided that she was going to "smoke" Huntington "out of New York." Brilliant! Limit international coverage! Thus the flyer above, which was posted around the Jeremy Scott show, and a phone call to Huntington from Cutrone herself, informing Huntington that she would be banned from all future events staged by People's Revolution clients:
The ban would moreover, she said, also cover all her international activities. She rattled off a list of cities where she staged events, including, I am sure she said, Moscow. She didn't mention that the ban extended to outer space, however, given the eccentricity of the performance, I started to wonder just how many aliens might be on her books.
Cutrone then also offered words to the effect that she would make it a personal mission to interfere with my ability to do my job "for the rest of your journalistic career".
Cutrone added that she would also be suing me over what she claimed had been a "factually incorrect" story, adding that her father either owns or works at a top New York legal firm. I'm not sure if she mentioned this purely to bignote herself or to illustrate that the billings from her agency are so miniscule that she would be required to ask for a freebie from dad in order to get a case up.
Nothing underscores the power of a publicist like mentioning her really important daddy. Christ, we don't think even Lizzie Grubman pulls that shit.