Oprah gets off on being real, you know? She may sleep atop a four-poster bed constructed from gold bricks and padded with crisp dollar bills, but she's still just like you, girlfriend! Except for when it comes to taking a road trip, like she did with not-box-chowing-girlfriend Gayle King (a trip so intimate that today on The View, Rosie O'Donnell declared them "a little gay" even if they're not gay). Oprah aired footage of their trip on her season premiere yesterday; when the two pull over for gas, Oprah reveals that she's not pumped gas since 1983. And bless her heart for trying to do so now, and failing miserably. There's really something about watching one of the world's most powerful women needing male assistance in order to perform a very basic function — something that makes Susan B. Anthony roll over in her grave.