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High Times' annual Stony Awards might not carry the same patina of prestige of some of the better known industry accolades, but it is the only Hollywood trophy ceremony to recognize excellence in the chemically-induced- paranoia-and-munchies screen arts, thus making its nominations announcement a noteworthy event. Among the many deserving performances singled out for achievement in stoner "acting" this year was Luke Wilson's tour-de-force turn in The Family Stone, for which he was required to get baked enough to convincingly find Sarah Jessica Parker hot. Other nominees included:

A Scanner Darkly
Half Nelson

Best Week Ever
Chappelle's Show: The Lost Episodes
Family Guy
Saturday Night Live

It's important to point out that the guidelines provide a very inclusive definition of the word "high"—Half Nelson is about a crack addict, while Brick is a movie about smack—and so the nominees should be regarded as more of a gateway list to the narrative potential of all drug use. We look forward to the ceremony Oct. 24, when some are predicting Jerry "Turtle" Ferrara will take to the stage to accept the award on behalf of the entire Entourage gang, thanking "God, my agents, Lord Bongsworthy, and Clarence, the set drug dealer, who's always just a page away. Love you, man."