The New York Times calls Digg's founders "parallel entrepreneurs" in a profile on the dudes who, while running the ridonculously popular news site, decided to launch an online video network, Revision3.

The company, which relaunches this week with a site overhaul, new shows, and a party in San Fran, feels like Spike TV for the Internet. The shows are produced and published in-house, including flagship Diggnation, an hourish-long bull session where co-founder Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht (Kevin's fellow former TechTV host) drink beer, do shots, and swear a lot about technology.

Like Kevin tells the Times, plenty of geeks do that without a camera, but Kevin and Alex give off such a friendly vibe (it's the booze talking) that lonely techies in Denver feel like part of a big club. It's like Oprah without all the books.

Young Internet Producers, Bankrolled, Are Seeking Act II [NY Times]