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After the Fox News Sunday "smackdown" between host Chris Wallace and Bill Clinton — in which Wallace suggested that Clinton practically flew the planes into the Twin Towers himself — the blogosphere's been abuzz with overanalysis. But in the online clips approved by Fox News, you only see a kind introduction from Wallace and "Clinton Freaks Out" headlines. As for the full version of the interview that's been "leaked" without the appropriate political framing — Fox News isn't so happy about that. They've pulled the "unauthorized" versions from YouTube, lest viewers see the interview and dangerously formulate their own opinion. Sweet ol' Rupert's just looking out for y'all.

But he's also old and kind of slow, so you can still see the spanking on Google video.

Fox Freaks Out AGAIN [Screens]
Earlier: The Moving Finger Wags, and Having Wagged Moves On