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  • There is only one event tonight that we should even mention. That's the kick-ass Revision3 party, held by the dudes who did Digg to celebrate their new video site's launch. First person to get their chest signed by me, Digg's Kevin Rose, columnist John C. Dvorak, and the three visiting hosts of Tiki Bar TV gets their photo on Valleywag. The party's free, natch. [Upcoming, Photo by Thomas Hawk]
  • How can you tell a conference is really only good for its lobbycon (the practice of ditching the actual talks and schmoozing with other "attendees")? When the organizers go out of their way to pimp the attendees' demographics. So it goes for the Momentum Growth Conference on Wednesday. [Momentum Growth Conferance]
  • Up in San Fran, tomorrow is the second day of the Intel Developer Forum. Watch CEO Paul Otellini try to be relevant again. [Eventful]