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You may actually want to run out and buy a printed copy of today's Post: There are two full spreads dedicated to mocking the suicide attempt of Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens. Apart from a column suggesting that the Giants need to take full advantage of the troubled star's effort to end his own life, perhaps the central gem is the graphic reproduced above, which is a "comical" list of reasons that Owens might have wanted to die. We're of the opinion that no subject is off-limits when it comes to humor, but if you're going to cross the line you'd damn well better be funny. We're not sure who thought "He's upset Jeremy Shockey has an exclusive column in The Post and he doesn't," might induce a giggle as a rationale for a man's attempt at self-destruction ("Tried reading Jeremy Shockey's Post column" might have worked better), but even by Post standards this is lame. If we were Col Allan we'd be so full of shame right now that, well, we'd want to kill ourselves.