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Our civilly minded podmate Wonkette points out this meet-cute between Condoleezza Rice and the New York Times editorial board. Fairly standard boilerplate jousting from both sides, except for this amusing little nugget: Rice challenges the NYT for leaking basically anything the administration wants kept under wraps. Discounting her complaints, the NYT responds:

QUESTION: And we - this paper has kept some of your secrets for you, too.

SECRETARY RICE: I understand that and I appreciate that. But I think that when it comes to - you know, I'm speaking to the leaks problem. I know this is a major, major issue in the journalistic community. But I can tell you from the point of view of somebody who has to (inaudible) security (inaudible), it's a problem.

Of course, one assumes the NYTer speaking meant secrets kept by the NYT for the administration at large. Or ... was it something else?

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New York Times Keepin' Secrets For Condi [Wonkette]
[Photo: Getty Images]