This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

Though our prim sib Wonkette might choose to put the above alleged photo of conservative commentator Michelle Malkin after a modesty-assuring jump, we have no such qualms. If legit — and the resemblance is certainly there — this 1992 shot would put Malkin at a nubile 21, perhaps while still at Oberlin and dreaming of future Fox News stardom. We're going to assume that yellow band on her right wrist was issued by a liquor-serving public house of some description, and that this candid scenario predicated at least a little second-base action for the photographer.

UPDATE: Yes, of course it's fake! You idiots! Sure, that head looks way too tiny for the body, but then we don't want to make any assumptions about Malkin's head size. Enjoy her cyclonic indignation here.

Michelle, You Ignorant Slut ... [Wonkette]