Keith Olbermann Will No Longer Be Authority on World's Worst People
Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 09:49AM
In response to more cries of liberal double standards, Keith Olbermann is suspending his "Worst Persons in the World" segment. It's all over remarks the Current TV host made three years ago about conservative commentators Michelle Malkin and S.E. Cupp. (If you guessed he called either of them a "slut," you'd be wrong.)
Time to Get Your 2012 'Great American Conservative Women' Calendar
Jim Newell · 09/09/11 04:30PMNo, Obama Didn't Order the Removal of an American Flag from Ground Zero
Jim Newell · 05/06/11 02:30PMBoy Scouts Boo Obama... Or Did They?
Adrian Chen · 08/07/10 12:56PMMarry, Fuck, Kill: Fox News Edition
Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 04:12PMCouple Beaten in New Orleans For Supporting Sarah Palin? (No.)
Pareene · 04/13/10 04:52PMGlenn Beck Welcomes Salty Groping Congressman, Argues With Michelle Malkin
Pareene · 03/09/10 04:45PMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 10/20/09 06:00AM
Snoop Dogg turns 38 today. The Office's John Krasinski is turning 30. Tom Petty is 59. Danny Boyle, the man who directed Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, and Slumdog Millionaire, is turning 53. Keith Hernandez, the former first baseman for the New York Mets and now a baseball commentator, is turning 56. Actor Viggo Mortensen is 51. Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin is turning 39. Dannii Minogue, the Australian singer/actress who's better known as the younger sister of Kylie, turns 38. And psychologist and advice columnist Dr. Joyce Brothers is turning 82. And Hilda Solis, the United States Secretary of Labor, is 52.
Fox & Friends Turns to Michelle Malkin For Advice on Civil Debate
John Cook · 09/03/09 04:34PMMichelle Malkin Babbles Racist Nonsense On Liberal NBC
Pareene · 07/29/09 01:06PMBill O'Reilly's Webtardation Sends Michelle Malkin Into a Frenzy
The Cajun Boy · 05/29/09 04:58AMO'Reilly did a segment the other night on how the internet is full of pimple-faced lizard-people bloggers who go around saying mean things about everyone just because they hate life itself, and as an example he cited something someone said in a blog "post" about Sonia Sotomayor on Hotair.com, only that this person's words weren't in a blog "post," but in a blog "comment" instead, and then Michelle Malkin started shooting lasers through her eyes and O'Reilly's cock immediately moved due north, you can just tell by the stupid smirk on his face after Malkin's rant, so that means we all can expect him to continue to be a dumbass about the internet forever, just so he can get wood over Malkin's diatribes. Lucky us.
What Are the Pundits Saying About Sonia Sotomayor?
The Cajun Boy · 05/26/09 09:15PM
Today's big story was Barack Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the retirement of David Souter. Predictably, America's punditry had plenty to say about this. We've sampled some of the prominent voices on the left and the right and compiled them for you.
Study Suggests Liberal Media Read Liberal Media
Pareene · 05/13/09 11:12AMThe Audacity of Joke
The Cajun Boy · 05/11/09 12:06AM
Fresh from their latest round of conniptions and hissy-fits over Obama saying that "empathy" would be an ideal characteristic for his upcoming nomination to the Supreme Court, because Jesus hates empathy you see, conservatives are predictably aghast at Sykes' jokes and that Obama dared to enjoy them. Here's a sampling of commentary: