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• We bet you're so excited for tonight's premiere of ABC's 32nd season of The Bachelor! In the latest incarnation, 25 psychotic single women compete in Rome for the affection of exotic Prince Lorenzo Borghese, who calls the city his second home. Except Borghese barely speaks Italian, had never been to Rome until he signed on with ABC, and is actually from Jersey. You could probably tell that to all 25 contestants, and they'd still go rabid competing for the final rose. [Radar]
• From here on out, the stupid smiley emoticon — :) — will be known as the "Foley." [Wonkette]
• The tables finally turn, and a Harvard man makes his bid to be a Trophy Husband. Alas, the best trophies would have no chance of getting into Harvard. [Feministing]
• Ever-increasing hotel prices keep tourists away from New York. Awesome! Jack the room rate on up! [Crain's]
• A very special, rocking evening with Don Rickles, the only man edgy enough to host the "2006 Music-Magazine Awards." [Idolator]
• A glossy magazine for pretty people who pretend to recycle. [NYSun]
• Giants/Eagles rivalry escalates to bagel-throwing, tire-slashing proportions. [Philadelphia Will Do]