Columbia Republicans and the Company They Keep

More from that quiet Ivy school uptown:
The Columbia College Republicans are at it again. On the heels of an event they hosted Wednesday, during which the founder of a group that patrols America's borders was attacked and forced offstage by angry protesters, the group is slated to host an even larger event next week, this one featuring two ex-terrorists and a former Nazi.
Now, to be fair, those ex-terrorists (Zachariah Anani, who is Lebanese, and former PLO member Walid Shoebat) have both committed attacks against Israel but are now on Team Jew, opposing the creation of a Palestinian state. The former Nazi, Hilmar von Campe, was a member of the Hitler Youth and served as a soldier but now feels really bad about it. The three will be lecturing against the dangers of indoctrination — fitting, seeing as they're there on behalf of the baby GOP.
Columbia Faces New Challenges by GOP Group [NYSun]
Earlier: Minuteman Event at Columbia Ruined by Brown People