• Novell's former CEO Ray Noorda, praised for growing the company from 17 to over 12,000 employees and maintaining a culture of respect for employees, passed away Monday at the age of 83. [InformationWeek]
  • Google combines its Writely and spreadsheet services to make Google Docs & Spreadsheets, a web-based word processer that can import Microsoft Word documents as well as HTML and text. [Google Docs]
  • YouTube's users, mostly teens and college students, engage in thoughtful exchanges over the future of YouTube under Google, making as much sense as the trained analysts and journalists doing the same. Which is to say, none. [Washington Post]
  • Now that Google bought YouTube, MySpace is asking for more integration deals with the service that it's so far treated like shit. Currently, MySpacers can embed YouTube videos on the site, but thanks to a Flash problem, those videos won't link back to YouTube as they do everywhere else. Google CEO Eric Schmidt and company will meet with News Corp president Rupert Murdoch and his people in LA this week. [Wall Street Journal]