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Whatever interactive media InterActiveCorp overlord Barry Diller enjoys, it's apparently got nothing to do with Craigslist, or Gawker. Seeking a new executive assistant for Diller, an IAC human resources staffer advertised for the job on tha C-list — totally within bounds, reportedly, for non-confidential positions. We ran the ad here, as we often do for job listings relating to those powerful enough to squash us like the bugs we are. But it turns out the first rule of Barry Diller Club is, you do not talk about Barry Diller Club. The apparent abject humiliation of having the assistant ad on Gawker generated a pulse of executive rage from Diller's office all the way down to the HR caves, where the unfortunate staffer was promptly canned. Just makes working closely with Diller as his assistant sound so much more appealing.

[Photo: Getty Images]

Earlier: Barry Diller Looking To Acquire Content Coordinator