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Despite flack Liz Rosenberg's smokescreen disavowals, it would appear that Madonna's Mission of Mercy™ to the impoverished African nation of Malawi also doubled as a baby-shopping spree, as the AP is now reporting that the latter-day, cone-bra'd Christ figure has signed all the necessary paperwork to adopt a motherless toddler:

Madonna and her husband took custody of a motherless 1-year-old boy from Malawi on Thursday after filing adoption papers and receiving interim approval from a judge in the impoverished southern African nation. [...]

Yohame Banda, the father, said he met Madonna and her film director husband Guy Ritchie at the court as part of the formalities. While they talked, Madonna, who has two children, carried the baby boy, Banda said.

"They are a lovely couple," Banda said. "She asked me many questions. She and her husband seem happy with David. I am happy for him. Madonna promised me that as the child grows she will bring him back to visit."

The official exchange (Countdown with Keith Olbermann has a full report, including Non-exclusive! First-ish! Baby! David! Photos!) was a touching ceremony, with the tearful father saying his last goodbyes as he handed off his little boy to the singer, who promptly placed him in an empty Tiffany box she had brought along especially for the occasion. (Of course, she made sure to punch air holes in the lid.) And while Madonna's promises of a future reunion added some bittersweet relief from the sad farewells, we think it would be best if Banda abandoned that dream, and instead took comfort in the knowledge that he can now claim admission, along with sole co-member Carlos Leon, to the ultra-selective club of long-forgotten Madonna birth fathers.