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As if we needed any more signs that New York has become pretty irrelevant on the hip hop map, Brooklyn rapper Fabolous attempted to generate publicity for his upcoming album, but fell short of full martyrdom and was arrested for his troubles, according to WCBS. He remains in less than fab, but stabulous condition.

Loso avoided the cliche location of Hot 97 studios, but did manage to find a hip hop landmark with Diddy's Flatiron-area restaurant, Justin's. He needed this publicity since he really hasn't done much of note since biting 2Pac on his breakout hit, "Can't Deny It", and was last seen trying to make an album on the cheap by trolling for producers on MySpace.

Rapper Fabolous Shot In Flatiron District Attack [WCBS]
Fabolous Talks New Album and New Label [Vibe]