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  • Yet another Apple blog prints an "exclusive" tip that Apple will release an iPhone next year, combining the iPod with a phone, confirming other blogs' reports. But TrustedReviews also says a full-screen, touchscreen iPod will come out in December, sparking a Christmas rush and the soaking of many nerds' pants. No real product photos here, though. [TrustedReviews]
  • An official version of Internet Explorer 7 is out — Yahoo's version. [ZDNet]
  • Is your video blog the best? Nominate it for a Vloggie by the end of the day. (Disclosure: I'm a judge for the Vloggies. Full disclosure: My ratings will be arbitrary numbers, as I'll be coming off an LSD bender.) [Vloggies]
  • YouTube's most famous founder Chad Hurley has a new reason for his smug grin (pictured) — corporate partner Universal Music left his company out of its new round of lawsuits against online video sites Grouper and Bolt. [Financial Times]
  • Iran, trying to stem Western influence, bans fast Internet connections across the country. I'd make a "cut off your nose to spite your face" joke, but that seems risky with the Iranians, no? [UK Guardian]