Last night, we received a screenshot of On The Fly, an online merchant targeting men who apparently don't know what they want and/or who they are. One distinctive feature of the site is the ability to shop by "lifestyle", and of course, one of the lifestyles you can choose from is "Hipster".

Our thought was that they've got it all wrong. The mode of transportation for a hipster is not the Mini Cooper, but the L-train. The drink of choice is Sparks. And "vacation spot" is probably something ironic, like Rochester. But we do realize, one would have a hard time marketing mid- to high-end merchandise to dirty ass hipsters who consider Beacon's Closet the mecca of shopping. Better to remain in the days gone by when hipsters were finger snapping lounge lizards if you want to sell cigar cutters and $400 loafers.

Oh, and if you want to live the life of A.J. or Aleksey, Wall Street is one of the available lifestyle choices.

Shop the Hipster Lifestyle [On The Fly]