Things seem to be going swimmingly for Gawker editor Alex Balk over at Deadspin, don't you agree? Around here, we're quite accustomed to (a) calling people gay, (b) calling people homophobes, (c) being called reverse-homophobic for projecting homophobia onto others, and (d) being gay, but it's nice to see the same cycle holding true throughout the land. In addition to welcoming the various Deadspin commenters who've seen fit to visit, we commend those Gawker commenters who've made the reverse commute. And yes, we admit that our banning finger may have twitched more than usual today. Normally we would be all too eager to commence the next round of commenter executions, but that would be terribly inhospitable. Plus, unlike some, we try not to shit where we eat. So go nuts — other than instant death for standard troll/spam behavior, no commenter will be banned for anything said until Balk finishes out his sentence at Deadspin. To put it another way: Do your worst. We aint' a-scared of you.

Message From the Guest Editor: Checking In [Deadspin]