Pending Replies Are Back on Gawker. Let's Talk It Out.
Max Read · 08/18/14 09:16AMArizona Schools Chief Won't Resign Over Insane, Racist Blog Comments
Allie Jones · 06/26/14 09:55AM
John Huppenthal, the Republican public schools chief in Arizona, announced yesterday that he will not quit in the face of controversy over his once-anonymous blog comments. Under the usernames Falcon9 and Thucydides, Huppenthal suggested, among other things, that Spanish language should be outlawed in the United States.
Some Changes to Gawker's New Discussion System
Adrian Chen · 06/04/12 09:25AMWhy Are You a Dick? Why Are There So Many Animal Videos? And More About Why New Gawker Sucks
A.J. Daulerio · 04/26/12 01:20PMHello, and Welcome To Gawker's New Commenting System
A.J. Daulerio · 04/26/12 08:39AMHang Loose, Kids, Comments On Gawker Will Not Be Disabled Much Longer
A.J. Daulerio · 04/23/12 04:30PM
Since last Wednesday, there has been no comment activity on this site. As disorienting as our day-to-day has been without witty insights, well thought-out critiques, demoralizing complaints about the current state of Gawker, and requests to rehire Richard Lawson, I'm happy to announce that this Thursday, the new comment system will be unveiled.
Just A Reminder That There Are No Comments Today (UPDATE)
A.J. Daulerio · 04/18/12 06:00AMGreetings, Today's The Day All Starred Commenters Will Die
A.J. Daulerio · 04/17/12 11:11AM
For those of you who participated in Gawker's long-standing starred commenter system, you'll be very disappointed to know that those perky little yellow insignias you worked so hard for are now gone forever. We do appreciate your contributions in coming weeks, as our new commenting system is rolled out on this site. The best way for readers who want their comments to be a vital part of the discussion is to take a more economical and thoughtful approach. To commemorate this sea change, will disable commenting privileges tomorrow, starting at 6 a.m.
Dear Commenters: Do You Think Internet Comments Have Failed And Whose Fault Is It?
A.J. Daulerio · 03/09/12 03:59PM
Currently, Anil Dash is prepping for his SXSW panel chat with Nick Denton about the 'failure' of internet comments by having a civilized discussion with a Mount Rushmore of internet experts and it is calm and informative. Do you think we can have a similar discussion without calling each other cockfaced assholes and be free of bannings or de-starrings? Meet me in the section below and we shall see.
Newspaper Survives 'Comment Flash Mob'
Maureen O'Connor · 02/21/12 03:30PMNew York Times Adopts Gawker Commenting System
Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/11 09:25AM
In this wild "new media" world, it's important for all of us—respectable newspapers and parasitic oxpeckers alike—to share freely, in a spirit of holiday cheer. So we were happy to see this morning that the New York Times has decided to borrow our commenting system. It's really the least we can do for you guys!