David Pogue puts on an antic disposition

Look, some readers really admire David Pogue's innocently funny approach to reviewing gadgets and software for the New York Times. I myself enjoy his whimsical video reviews. But the man has gone mad.
Pogue's latest story, now topping the New York Times tech section, is "A Look Back at the Buzz of 2006" — a review of his own reviews for a year that has not actually ended. Says Pogue:
As the year draws to a close, then, it's worth taking a look back at some of my weekly tech-review columns to see how their subjects have withstood the very brief test of time. Almost all of them have seen noteworthy developments since my reviews appeared. Here it is, then, a review of the reviews.
The Hamlet question is: Has he truly gone mad, or is he feigning madness to up his word count?