Encore Turns Over Its Airwaves To The Governator's Reelection Campaign

LAist notices that Encore's Action channel has adopted an all-Schwarzenegger schedule on this election day, a possible attempt to donate some free airtime to the Governator's reelection campaign by network owner Liberty Media. Skeptics might readily dismiss the notion that corporate interests could be trying to bypass campaign advertising regulations as the tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theories of desperate opponents of a second term of Schwarzenegger rule, but considering that two of the governor's most-repeated reelection slogans, "I'll be back," and "Come with me if you want to live," are drawn from his work in the Terminator franchise (his defiant, Batman & Robin-derived "You're not sending ME to the COOLER!" never really caught on, presumably the reason the film was left off the schedule), it's hard to see today's Arnold Marathon as anything but a 15-hour campaign ad.