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  • Last night, Brit celebrated by doing the same tourist crap your aunt does when she comes in from Jersey to catch a matineee of Beauty and the Beast: shopping at a Midtown Gap for $8 thongs and skating in Rockefeller Center. Presumably your aunt doesn't have a mysterious new paramour named Rudolph, though. [Hollyscoop]
  • K-Fed may fight for custody of Sean Preston and Braeden Jaymes or whatever. [TMZ]
  • Salon interviewed K-Fed just before the news broke. He dropped this wisdom: "They saw this street kid. The world doesn't want that for Britney Spears. That's their queen. They don't want some dude that looks like a hoodlum." Wow, he's smarter than we thought. [Salon]
  • A rumor is floated that Britney's fake-divorcing Kevin to win back our sympathy and actually plans to stay with him. Nahh. She's marrying-him stupid, but not fake-divorcing-him stupid. We hope. [Dlisted]
  • After being rear-ended by an overzealous paparazzo outside Hyde, a shaken Lindsay Lohan reportedly fears that she will "end up like Princess Diana." Well, except that people cared about Princess Diana.[Starpulse]
  • Much more interesting: you know those $8 thongs Britney bought? They were "virginal white, sexy pink, and seductive cranberry," respectively. Wow, no wonder the Post needed five people to report this story.[NYPost]