Atoosa Rubenstein Loves Her Girls, Vapid Cover Gimmicks

Departing Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein gives a quickie interview to AdAge wherein she discusses her reasons for exiting:
This started when I got my MySpace page. I didn't understand it at the time. I became addicted to it — I don't mean in a creepy way — but I can hear from them what they're feeling in the moment and throw it right back to them. It is such a visceral conversation. I see myself as a vessel for change. I want to be that in my readers' lives, or I should say, in my audience's lives.
And how has that vessel helped change the life of its girls?
We've been using our cover as currency. Our November cover has Teddy Geiger on it; you can take that cover to a Teddy Geiger concert and it gets you to a meet and greet with Teddy. Our December cover gets you a free Paris Hilton fragrance. January gets you free shorts from American Apparel and an advance screening of "Dream Girls."
The 'Toos closes with this incredibly ominous sounding note about her future plans: "There are a lot of opportunities on the table. People are coming out of the woodwork."
Hopefully some of them have tweezers.
Atoosa Rubenstein Just Keeping It Real for 'Her Girls' [AdAge]