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There have been times in our lives—and yours too, we imagine—where we've gone on a date with someone who turns out to be so heinously unattractive, for whatever reason, that we'd do anything, including climbing out the bathroom window, to nip the evening in the bud. What was it about that person? Was it his bad breath? Her mustache? His table manners? Jesus, it's a miracle anyone gets laid in this town at all. But wait! There's hope.

Now, via Fleshbot, comes news that a New York woman had taken it upon herself to offer $75 evaluations of men—we're talking personal style, teeth whiteness, hair thickness, penis size, and general attractiveness. At first, we thought, yes. Finally, someone who'll do the heavy lifting before they get to us! And then we came to our senses and realized that, like everything else, the people who really, truly need this service probably won't avail themselves of it, thereby keeping the local dating pool well-stocked with total douchebags for years to come.

The Evaluatress: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You [Fleshbot]
The Evaluatress