Exclusively Breaking Federlicious Exclusive: K-Fed's Friend Provides Divorce-Related Soundbite

Showing an admirable dedication to making sure that every possible angle in the Britney Spears divorce story is covered, Extra trekked all the way to the hinterlands of Fresno to interview—and we really hate to use the expression "we shit you not," but we really, really shit you not—the guy who owns the background dancing studio where the Artist Who Would One Day Be Known As K-Fed honed the Roger Rabbit and Running Man skills that would later propel him to international, pop-star-impregnating fame. This K-Pal helpfully confirms that Federline didn't hear he was dumped from Spears herself, and as any true friend would, pretends to believe that his fledgling music career can withstand the trauma of being separated from the reason he's famous in the first place. Unfortunately, investigative reporter Jerry Penacoli didn't think to ask Johnson to opine specifically on whether his longtime buddy would be able to maintain an acceptable level of ridiculousness in his watch and kick games in light of this profound personal setback.
The entire press release is after the jump, but we urge you to skip it and spend the time you might have spent further exploring this story doing an act of charity, like mending the leg of a lame kitten or sponsoring one of the many orphans Madonna couldn't smuggle out of Malawi in her Louis Vuitton luggage. You've had enough Federline-related ugliness today
Johnson confirms that Federline did not find out about the divorce from Britney.
(Fresno - November 8, 2006) - "Extra's" Jerry Penacoli spoke exclusively to Kevin Federline's friend, Ralph Johnson. Johnson owns the studio in Fresno where Federline danced. Johnson declared, "He's [Federline] doing like anyone else in these situations."
Johnson spoke to Federline very recently and tells "Extra" that he "wasn't even in LA when it happened." He revealed that Federline "didn't hear [about] it from his wife."
Johnson declared, "Kevin's very focused on his album and his singing career...that's pretty much what he is trying to keep his focus on."
On Federline's bad rap since marrying Spears, Johnson said, "He has tremendous respect for his wife, but he also has respect for his career...whether he makes it or doesn't make it is up to him. He's a good person...I don't know anything negative about him."
Johnson believes that Federline's career can survive a divorce, he stated, "I think he'll have no problem at all."