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Yep, it's true: Time cuts its rate base, tries to convince advertisers that people pass issues on to friends. Be real, Stengel: Those nursing homes only get one copy each week. [NYT]
Viacom stock down due to $8 billion Freston severance package, slate of crappy movies, embarrassment of being responsible for Mind of Mencia. CFO Michael Dolan takes the fall. [NYP]
It must suck to be an newspaper editor. Even if you're as talented as Dean Baquet, you can still get fired. The only thing that must suck even more is being a neophyte reporter making $27,000 a year to report on staph infections amongst inner city homeless: you're definitely getting fired, and there's no cushy landing spot at the New York Times for you. [NYT]
If Morgan Stanley has its way, there'll be no cushy landing spot at the New York Times for anyone. [NYP]
NBC about as dumb as you suspected. [B&C]
HBO dumber than you expected, but we're grateful for the opportunity to make more Amanda Congdon tit jokes. Seriously, is this the longest fifteen minutes in history?[Mediaweek]
Men's Health only wound up losing 5 per cent of its ad pages this year. [WWD]
Say hello to our friends from IvyGate. [Harvard Crimson]