Momofuku: We're Headed Over There As Soon As We Finish Typing This

Wow, you sure like ramen! The verdict is in: Momofuku is (for the most part) worth the wait, especially if you're into pork buns — one tipster informs us that these pig-flavored treats are "soft and full (and unnervingly like my Asian boyfriend's ass)." Yummy! And if you want to avoid the wait, there's Momofuku Ssam bar, apparently. The whole "asian burrito" thing skeeves us, but maybe we're wusses. Just a couple of caveats: there's a good reason to steer clear of dragging home your leftovers, and also, their cooks don't want to hear about your pigtail. Read on . . .
I am not a hipster, I'm a fat man. It was pretty fucking amazing Berkshire pork. The broth alone was worth the wait. Having to listen to some out of towner complain about not having their own personal table, and with this business model they'll never make it: priceless.
i say yes. it's worth the wait. granted it is ramen, but not like any ramen a college kid cooked up on a covert hot plate in their dorm. those berkshire pork buns are some of the best things to ever hit my lips.
I finally made it down to Momofuku about a month ago and it was by all means, worth the hour wait I endured. Service at the bar was mediocre at best, but you don't care once you take a bite of their steamed buns (I had mine with chicken). It is by far the best food I have eaten in a while. You see the look of pure bliss on everyone's faces as they take a bite of their meals.
The new place (Momofuku Ssam Bar) on 13th & 2nd is good early as well (those Ssams/burrito things do rock [get them with the white kimchi] + they have the same steamed buns as First Ave.) early, but their focus is on their 10:00 - 2:00 a.m. crowd, which again, brings to mind packs of the same idiots standing on First Ave, only drunk. Ewww. BUT, rescue is on the way: Momofuku is "offering delivery in the near future."
I had an actual ARGUMENT with the one of the line cooks about pigtails. Me: Pigtails are curly. Surly Line Cook: No they are not. What the?
The disturbing part . . . came when I went to eat my leftovers the next day— it had all congealed into one giant, quart-sized white lump of pork grease with all the ingredients suspended in it. Even when I tried to microwave that shit down to broth, it just loosened up on the noodles...but never quite turned back into liquid.
I will say this about chef-owner David Chang — unlike so many of his douche-y colleagues, he is humble and honest and the first one to claim that his place is overrated and that he is not as good a cook as the people who trained him. I think he has even put a note on the door that says as much. His food tastes good and it would be a shame if people were to backlash on him because of all the douchetards who crowd his restaurants.
You heard it here: don't backlash on him. We'll gang up on some other overhyped place, ok? Promise. Earlier: Momofuku: Can It Possibly Be Worth The Wait?