Longtime Slate denizens Robert Wright and Mickey Kaus have begun a dueling videoblog site, offering — now suppress that gag reflex — "diavlogs" between two talking blog-heads. BloggingHeads.tv typically features largely good-natured political arguments between Wright and Kaus, plus a few other contributing heads. Why would you want to watch Wright and Kaus, instead of read them? Well, hold on to your hats:

They are sometimes informally attired, and in the background one can see such things as bookcases, filing cabinets, and air-conditioners. Mr. Wright's remarks are sometimes punctuated by gulps from a plastic cup or a roll of his eyes at Mr. Kaus's latest point. ... Mr. Wright recalled the time a barking dog was heard in the background. But visitors to the site may be witnessing the beginnings of a new information and entertainment form, a kind of a garage band, so to speak, which could eventually fill a stadium.

We don't lightly boldface part of a quotation around here, but try to imagine the poster promoting this arena event. "Bookcases! Barking dogs! Rolling eyes! Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!" Of course, they'll have competition from other forms of two-people-arguing entertainment, but everything's cooler when bloggers are doing it on the Internet.

Two Bloggers Set Up a Web Site To Go Head to Head [NY Sun]