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  • Jeff Zucker may take over for Bob Wright as head of NBC by the end of the year. Honestly, you get the feeling that Zucker could rip the head off a transgendered prostitute and skullfuck it in the middle of a board meeting and he'd still get promoted. [NYP]
  • It's not exactly news that Jason Binn is a "scumbag," but this time it comes from his mentor, so it carries some extra authority. [Radar]
  • Fox News source for Iraq reports: internal Fox News memos. [CJR]
  • NBC #2 Randy Falco to head AOL. [NYT]
  • BBC will pay for user-generated video, but only if it's really good footage, e.g. a Lib Dem minister eating a rent boy's turd. [Guardian]
  • HBO/AOL to collaborate on comedy site. Let's hope it's as funny as Lucky Louie was! [Reuters]
  • Are we the only ones getting tired of the use of the word "civilians" to mean "people tangentially connected but not involved in the media industry"? Also, hot internal Gawker memo gossip. [NYT]
  • Yep, it's true: Avellar, Hanson, and "Dr." Gomez out at WNBC. [NYDN]
  • Adorable WSJ reporters somehow think refusing to do podcasts will give them leverage in current labor dispute. [AP]
  • Wallpaper guy to take British Esquire "upmarket." Guardian]
  • Newsweek tech correspondent to NYT? [Valleywag]
  • Larry King: has never used Internet, misses rotary phones. [ThinkProgress]
  • Correction of the Day: "An obituary on Monday and in some copies on Sunday about Isadore Barmash, a retired business reporter for The New York Times, rendered incorrectly the name of a department store that he wrote about frequently. It was Gimbels, not Gimbel's. Gimbels, which closed in 1986, has been referred to correctly in The Times more than 500 times since 1980 and incorrectly more than 120 times; this is the first time the error has been corrected." [NYT]