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In an interview that aired last night on WCBS2, Golan Cipel (whose hotness was famously the downfall of everyone's fave Gay American, ex- NJ Gov. Jim McGreevey), refutes McGreevey's claim that the two shared an "immediate and intense and apparently reciprocated" attraction. According to Cipel, none of the softly lit, delicately scented, rapturous lovemaking that was like two souls being knit into one by the crochet hook of true, true love, uh, happened. Like, at all. In fact, he says he was sexually harassed. We find ourselves not caring so so much about who is right or wrong here and who is just trying to make a buck here. We just like comparing and contrasting the two accounts of that first encounter.

Again he pushed me on the chest back into the bedroom. I was in shock and I fell. And there was just this crazy look in his eyes. Didn't care. Tried to struggle with me. Tried to kiss me. I just remember holding my head and saying, "No. Stop." Fighting with him. And I moved to the other side of the bed here. And he was there where you stand. And I wanted to get out. But he's close to the door. I just remember wanting to ask him so many questions, but wanting to leave as fast as possible. And he said don't ever repeat this to anybody. Then I asked him, "Why did you think I was gay?" And he said, "Everybody's a little bit gay."

Ok, but was he whispering?

The Other Side: Former Aide Disputes Gov's Claims [WCBSTV]
Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Jim McGreevey