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Madonna just wandered along like everyone else. I recognized her as the girl who went to my gym—as the girl who would sit around naked longest in the locker room. Now that I think back on it, how could either of us have afforded a gym membership? She still had a last name at that point, and when I told her I worked for the Voice, she said, "Oh, that's so funny. They're reviewing my first single this week."

That's Amy Arbus, talking about one of her most famous "On The Street" photos. A full slideshow is over at The Morning News. If you want to spend some time reminiscing about what a fucking awesome place New York City — specifically, the East Village — was back when you were wasting your life sitting in some suburban rec room watching He-Man, head on over there and look at the pictures, cause that's the closest you're ever going to get.

On The Street by Amy Arbus [TMN]