Smoking Hot Craigslist Extortionist Can Blacken Our Mail Anytime

Apart from the beneficial services it provides in facilitating bad oral sex between coke-having hipsters and the women who would never blow them were it not for the huge pile of drugs they provided, Craigslist has also been invaluable in offering new channels through which one can conduct extortion. Take, for example, this recent story from The Smoking Gun:
The CEO of a Fortune 500 company was the target of a six-figure extortion plot hatched by a woman who first met the businessman online and then later threatened to go public with details of his extramarital affairs, The Smoking Gun has learned. According to an FBI agent, the New York executive acknowledged that on "multiple occasions" he trolled for women on Craigslist and a second site "devoted to bringing together attractive women and wealthy men who were seeking romantic relationships." It was during the CEO's time on Craigslist earlier this year that he met Jessica Wolcott, a 22-year-old who pleaded guilty last week to extorting $125,000 from the executive. According to a detailed U.S. District Court complaint (a copy of which you'll find below), Wolcott began sending the executive threatening e-mails in August, warning that unless he paid $125,000, she would tell his wife that "you've been looking for a fill in for her...After all these years of being married this is how you repay your vows? You are disgusting." Using the alias "cheater_eater," Wolcott (pictured above) wrote in an August 11 e-mail that after she went public with her allegations, the executive would "become just another hated Peter Cook," a reference to Christie Brinkley's estranged husband, who reportedly cheated on the model with a 19-year-old woman.
First, poor Peter Cook! You fuck one (okay, a couple) lousy teens and all of a sudden you're the shakedown scene's avatar for adultery. But it gets better:
The executive identified by TSG as the extortion victim did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment about the Wolcott case. It seems that Wolcott used some of the money ($9200) to buy a used car on eBay. She was the winning bidder in an April auction for a 2001 Saab convertible coupe, which she drove to New York from California, where the seller lived, according to eBay records. Susanne Brody, Wolcott's lawyer, described her client as a "young girl who has not had an easy life," adding, "I think the real question is why a corporate executive with a wife and beautiful kids is online trying to meet young girls."
Yeah, real mystery there. Finally, news of the poor extortionist's situation:
Wolcott, who is free on bail, is scheduled to be sentenced in February on a felony count of interstate transmission of threats. As part of her plea, Wolcott has to forfeit the $125,000 in shakedown payments and an Apple laptop computer.
Which is what we've been saying all along: You're gonna blackmail someone, use a PC. It never works out well otherwise.