Atoosa Rubenstein Is Not A Brand In Crisis, Okay?

Worried that you haven't seen former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein's name in the news in about five days or so? Fear not! The 'Toos has hired acclaimed PR firm Rubenstein Public Relations. WWD, which reports the story, snidely suggests that the 'Toos is in good company (the firm is "known for its crisis management expertise (as in the current Michael Richards brouhaha)"), but we're going to be a bit more charitable: the 'Toos has "lots going on" what with her early exit at Hearst. And who better to help her out than the other Rubenstein, described by one wag as
...probably the worst human being alive. He is a total, total freakish nightmare scumbag. He's a crisis management guy who can't manage a crisis. Every time you go to him and he's supposed to quiet things down, he just makes it bigger and bigger. He says all the wrong things.
Is it just us, or are these two made for each other?
Memo Pad: Rubenstein and Rubenstein [WWD]