Britney Spears Upskirt, Take Two: Now With Virtually Nothing Left To The Imagination

Say what you will about Britney Spears, but she's a pro. Upon inspecting the photos from her recent, impromptu upskirt shoot, in which her genitals were amateurishly obscured by a badly positioned thigh, she vowed that the next time she disembarked from Paris Hilton's luxury automobile while a dozen camera-wielding "fans" aimed their telephoto lenses at her ladyparts, she'd helpfully hike up her skirt and deliver the unobstructed view they so assiduously sought. She'll undoubtedly be more pleased with these results than she was with her previous effort, but as a perfectionist, she won't be able to easily quell the nagging feeling that the photographers didn't capture her labia's good side, and will insist on exiting through the driver's side door on her next trip to Hyde.
NSFW pictures follow after the jump. You've been warned. (And there's an entire gallery over at Fleshbot, should you be so inclined.)